« Gengis Khan » d’Henry Bauchau: anatomie de la première mise en scène d’Ariane Mnouchkine en 1961


  • Anca Similar “Babeș-Bolyai University”, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Theater and Film

Cuvinte cheie:

Genghis Khan


“Gengis Khan” by Henry Bauchau: Anatomy of Ariane Mnouchkine’s First Stage Direction in 1961

“Genghis Khan” by Henry Bauchau holds an important place in the theater of the second half of the XXth century by becoming the first staging of Ariane Mnouchkine. Yet we replace the physical body with a "materia theatrali, digna spectaculo” where Genghis Khan will expose himself to the gaze of the anatomist. Just as each organ has a function, we will strive to isolate the elements to circumscribe the major galvanic functions and to separate the genesis and history. Genghis Khan extends into complex branch-es from psychoanalysis to the clash of civilizations, from great history to personal destinies, the game of tracks between digressions of archaeology, anthropology, historiography, and we will place him in his dramatic reality, the sum of which is greater than its parts: "Is it Genghis Khan who enlarged the world ... Or is the world who enlarged Genghis Khan?" (Bauchau,1959,96).


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Cum cităm

Similar, A. (2021) „« Gengis Khan » d’Henry Bauchau: anatomie de la première mise en scène d’Ariane Mnouchkine en 1961”, Symbolon, 21(1(38), pp. 23–35. Disponibil la: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/219 (Data accesării: 21 noiembrie 2024).


