Rolul spectatorului în creația colectivă a spectacolului de teatru de animație contemporan
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Contemporary Animation Theater: Devising Method and Audience’s Role in a Performance
With Brecht emerges epic theatre, which means a review of theatre’s functions and mechanisms, towards creating a complex picture of the world through different means of expression, contributing, along with the theatre of absurd’s new avant-garde and H. Müller’s disintegration of texts, to the formation of a new aesthetic.
The idea of ‘Character’ disappears and the concept of ‘Performer’ takes place, which is rather a vehicle of discourse, submitted to the dynamic elements; the actor is part of a collective process, in a constant connection with the audience. The relationship drama theatre-puppet theatre becomes stronger, more powerful in mutual influences.
Animation Theatre is based both on visual and collective components; pure psychology studies concerning the elements with great impact on communication can be supported by the animation theatre performance-audience relationship, as well; the audience, by ‘receiving’ and accepting scenic space as a space of reality he’s being part of, wherein the action has no other time of existence than the present moment, wherein the actor is not a character but a partner that addresses to his physical reality, the audience is exposed to strong sensory effects, wherein the theatre, from an emotion generator, becomes a personal experience.
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BISHOP, Claire, 2012. Artificial Hells. Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship, London: Verso.
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INNES, Christopher, 1993. Avant Garde Theatre 1892-1992, London: Routledge.
KLEIST, Heinrich von, 1997. Despre Teatrul de Marionete. Traducerea Ioan Constantinescu. Iaşi: Junimea.
LEHMANN, Hans-Thies, 2009. Teatrul postdramatic. Traducerea Victor Scoradeț, București: Unitext.
LOXLEY, B. Robert, 1983, Roles of audience: aesthetic and social dimensions of the performance event. Literature in Performance, vol 3, no. 2/1983.
MEYERHOLD, Vsevolod, 2004. Baraca târgului. În BANU, George și TONITZA-IORDACHE, Michaela, 2004. Arta teatrului, Ediţia a II a, Bucureşti: Nemira.
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