„Bachiana” de Cornel Țăranu - o creație a secolului XXI


  • Mirela Țârc-Mercean University of Oradea

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“Bachiana” by Cornel Țăranu – a Creation of the New Millenium
"Enrolled with the Romanian musical avant-garde of the second half of the 20th century through serial-modal language, Cornel Țăranu enters the new Millenium with an impressive symphonic creation both through the number of works composed and the diversity of themes approached. Thus, from 2005 to 2018, the composer has created no less than 14 symphonic works. Among them, some are proposing a sound in-course into the major themes of music culture and universal philosophy: Indian (""Sara-mandji"", 2008), Chinese in (“Yang and Yin”, 2013), western medieval (“Cantus Gemellus”, 2010), Re-naissance (“Diferencias”, 2010) and Baroque (“Bachiana”, 2016).Other themes are: homage in „Rimembranza” and the ”Symphony da Requiem” composed in 2005 on the occasion of George Enescu's commemoration, „Heraldry” composed in 2014 and dedicated to the Romanian Academy on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the country's service, „Memorial Symphony” -2010 dedicated to the memory of totalitarianism victims. The concert symphonic genre is present in the works dedicated to saxophonist Daniel Kientzy: SaxSynpho 2006, (Diferencias) Semper Idem- 2015. Archetypal or mod-ern composition techniques are reflected in the works HeteroSymphony 2014 and Jeux de Palindrom 2016.
""Bachiana"" for orchestra has as its ideational core the fugue in C minor from ""Wohltemperiertes Klavier"", notebook 1. The semantic levels of this reference are multiple because the work aims to ana-lyze and comment on the various reports of the musical text to the source of Bachian inspiration from the vision of an avant-garde composer who expresses himself in a postmodern context."


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Cum cităm

Țârc-Mercean, M. (2020) „«Bachiana» de Cornel Țăranu - o creație a secolului XXI”, Symbolon, 20, pp. 23–32. Disponibil la: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/307 (Data accesării: 3 iulie 2024).


