Between Tradition and Innovation – A Talk with Andrei Șerban
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Peter BrookRezumat
In this talk, renowned theatre director Andrei Șerban reflects on his experiences and philosophy in the world of theatre. He discusses the importance of reaching high artistic quality and the need for preparation, technique, and deep study in creating meaningful theatrical experiences. Șerban emphasizes the significance of theatre as an art form that can deepen our understanding of life and evoke intense emotions. Drawing from personal experiences, he highlights the transformative power of theatre and the need for individual exploration and expression. He also touches upon the challenges faced by contemporary theatre, including the dominance of technology and the need to balance tradition with innovation. Throughout the conversation, Șerban’s passion for theatre and its potential to communicate universal truths shines through.
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SMITH, Anthony Charles, 1972, Orghast at Persepolis: An Account of the Experiment in Theatre. Directed by Peter Brook and Written by Ted Hughes, Eyre Methuen.
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