A talált tér variációi
https://doi.org/10.46522/S.2023.S1.07Cuvinte cheie:
found space, site-specific, variations, Three Sisters, extension of the found spaceRezumat
Variations of the Site-Specific
In my paper, I examine the variations of site-specific space. I make an attempt to formulate and describe how the performances taking place in site-specific space differ and what types of found spaces exist within a broader found space, also, how the viewer’s dialogue with the space develops, what other found elements can be observed, and what kind of communication they can create with them. I observe the extension of the environment and sound effects of the space and the development of its dialogue beyond that. Through the analysis of three performances (Maruša Kink’s “Three Sisters” in Ljubljana, Krisztián Kiliti’s “Trei surori” in Chișinău and István Albu’s “”Három nővér” in Gheorgheni) I examine the variations of the found space and the development of its dialogue with the viewer’s space and the extension and expansion of the environment and sound effects of the space.
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