Brecht recepciója az erdélyi magyar színházakban 1960 és 1965 között
DOI: cheie:
Brecht’s Reception in the Hungarian Theatres in Transylvania Between 1960 and 1965
This study is a review of the first performances of Brecht’s plays in the Hungarian theatres between 1960 and 1965, which period is delimited by the very first show and a time gap that occurred after a few years with Brecht on those stages. Given that Transylvanian theatres are in the focus, the study also presents the situation of Romanian and German theatres regarding Brecht shows in the same period in Transylvania, and briefly in Romania, offering a review of the very first Brecht performance in Romania that took place in 1958, in Sibiu, and was also the first show that the local German theatre was reopened with. A general view of the brechtian epic theatre upheld by the theoretical specialists and practical craftsmen, as well as critics and directors of that period, is also summarized, and the study makes an attempt to reveal at what length the shows were able to meet those new demands.
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