Tiborc a boncasztalon. Storyline-ok használata az átírás során


  • Mohácsi István



Cuvinte cheie:



Tiborc on the Autopsy Table. Using Storylines in Transcription
The plot of a play is never an untangled Gordian knot but rather a web, a multitude of threads: stories interwoven. If we want to change the play, we have to go back to the basics: we have to break the plot down into story threads. This is part of a logical system. In the rewrite, we use three basic rules to ensure that the characters follow the most tragic path possible throughout the play. I take an example of this from Bank Ban, the first of Hungarian national plays. Looking at Tiborc’s four scenes, we find that Tiborc is a very simple character, not changing at all throughout the play. By going through the three basic rules of rewriting, I will show how Tiborc’s character can be changed and made tragic in a way that does not actually change the play as a whole, rather, it makes it stronger.


ARISZTOTELÉSZ, 1974, Poétika [online], VI, [Letöltés időpontja: 2023.06.15.]. Elérhető: https://mek.oszk.hu/00300/00315/00315.htm

DÜRRENMATT, Friedrich, 1977, 21 pont A fizikusokhoz. In: A fizikusok [online], [Letöltés időpontja: 2023.06.15.]. Elérhető: https://mek.oszk.hu/00300/00376/00376.htm

KATONA József 1995, Bánk bán [online], Letöltés időpontja: 2023.06.15.]. Elérhető: https://mek.oszk.hu/00700/00723/00723.htm




Cum cităm

István, M. (2023) „Tiborc a boncasztalon. Storyline-ok használata az átírás során”, Symbolon, 24(Special), pp. 119–125. doi: 10.46522/S.2023.S1.10.