Provocările și oportunitățile interacțiunii umane cu inteligența artificială în domeniul teatral - Un studiu despre teatrul telematic
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telematic theatre, artificial intelligence, robots, challenges, opportunitiesRezumat
The Challenges and Opportunities of Human Interaction with Artificial Intelligence in the Theatrical Field - A Study on Telematic Theatre
The last few years have seen rapid changes in the technology development in the most varied fields. Even the theater had no way to escape from these new trends, especially with the advent of the pandemic which accelerated the appearance of new types of theater and performances, out of necessity. In this paper, we will present and analyze the personal experience with the telematic theater and the interaction with the character Ogmios, a theatrical robot, all within the Tele-Encounters project. This project aimed to develop telepresence as an artistic language. We talk about the challenges and opportunities regarding the potential of AI to restructure the theatrical world, and about the need for interdisciplinary collaboration between artists, ethicists and robotics experts, and we launch hypotheses about what the future could look like among robots, artificial intelligence and telepresence
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Tele-Encounters, proiect co-finanțat de Uniunea Europeană disponibil pe
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