Teatralitatea muzicii vocale camerale
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The Theatricality of Vocal Chamber Music
In a wider sense, the first form of devising in the music world was ‘dramma per musica’ in the seventeenth century, but also the early cantata. Another genre, born in the nineteenth century, in the alloy of music with poetry, is lied. His roots are found in improvised play on certain themes, attested in the salons of romantic artists. This is how the famous miniature cycle “Die Schöne Müllerin” by Franz Schubert, and others has appeared.
In the 21st century, the genre changes its content or timbral composition, among the forms of expression that the interpreter can use are also the theatrical ones. The mime, the gesture, the posture, the costume, the stage movement and eventually the set design’s details enrich the interpretation of intrinsic musical dramaturgy. An analysis of the possible theatrical „counterpoints” deepen my own interpretative vision on the work “Elegie for a Wine Barrel” composed by Violeta Dinescu.
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DINESCU, Violeta, 2000, Elegie pentru un butoi de vin, partitură manuscris.
EDGERTON, Michael Edward, 2005. The 21st Century Voice: Contemporary and Traditional Extra-Normal Voice, Editura Scarecrow Press, Lanham.
ELLIOTT, Martha, 2006. Singing in Style: A Guide to Vocal Performance Practices, New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
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TOMLINSON, Gary, 2009. The Singing of the New World, Ingenious Voice in the Era of European Contact, Editura Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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