A vásári bábjátékhősök játékhagyománya a 19. és a 20. században (Vitéz László és Paprika Jancsi)
In the last decade, we have witnessed a marked increase in interest in fair puppetry. Fair puppetry has become a fascinating topic from a scholarly point of view, and, as an inseparable part of this, the processing and making accessible of the material and intellectual heritage of the significant puppeteer dynasties generates new questions. Typically, two dominant approaches and trends can be observed: one part of the research examines the topic from the European roots and the other deals with the segments of the Hungarian fair puppetry traditions. The lack of systematization of the different approaches and the cultural, historical and social factors that influenced the development, consolidation and transmission of fair puppetry is a shortcoming of the trends. The research follows the tendency of the study of Hungarian fair puppetry throughout the analysis of the history of the development of the puppet figure of Vitéz László, taking into account the segments of the tradition and cultural, historical and social factors. The research methodology follows the holistic approach of taking into account the social, historical and cultural factors of the given period because this allows a deeper contextual interpretation of the history of the development of the fair hand puppets.