Întemeierea etică a spectacolului de teatru


  • Sabin Sabadoș



Mots-clés :



The Ethical Foundation of Theatre Performance
The way we interpret artistic creations - and especially theatrical ones - is about value judgments based on what the eye holds and the spirit embodies. If we accept the Kantian view that we have a world of things and a world of people - which will shed light on the relationship between aesthetics and ethics, between the work of art and human behavior, between beauty and attitudes - we can accept that the supreme value that governs us is the moral law, understood as a necessary and universal principle. In our work we will try to show that, on the one hand, the stage creation and its reception are based on rules and norms not arbitrary, but deeply rooted in the human being, on the other hand, that the theatrical work (more precisely, the theatre performance) tends to free itself from any constraints, seeking solutions “beyond good and evil”, but not to invalidate their validity, but to make a return, through knowledge and interpretation, a return to the bosom of ethics.


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Comment citer

Sabadoș, S. (2021) « Întemeierea etică a spectacolului de teatru », Recherches théâtrales, 2(2 (4), p. 123–139. doi: 10.46522/CT.2021.02.06.


