Geografii teatrale pe firul istoriei și al râului (II): Sena la Paris


  • Cristian Stamatoiu


Cuvinte cheie:



Theatrical Geographies alongside the History and the River (II): Seine River at Paris

The Antique settlement of „Lutèce“ (Lutetia Parisiorum, lat.) became, under the name of Paris, a centre of medieval civilization which will be later named “The City of Light“ under the Sun King. This nickname has two reasons. The practical one consisted in the fact that in 1667 Louis XIV ordered the city of Paris to be lighted by gas street lamps (the first city in the world to do so); the intellectual one came from its statute of a cultural classicist hub and later, that of the city of enlightenment. An important aspect of these developments was the local theatrical development. Our study is interested in determining the evolution and the geography of the theatres like Bourgogne, Marais, Guénégaud (…) on the two banks of the Seine river in the times of Corneille, Racine and, especially, Molière.


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Cum cităm

Stamatoiu, C. (2021) „Geografii teatrale pe firul istoriei și al râului (II): Sena la Paris”, Cercetări teatrale, 2(1 (3), pp. 15–36. doi: 10.46522/CT.2021.01.01.


