Du « theatrum physicum » a l’illusion enchanteresse. Trois exemples de la littérature dramatique hongroise (1817–1841)


  • Emese Egyed Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca


Hungarian drama


From the “Theatrum Physicum” to the Magic of the Illusion. Three Examples in the Dramatic Hungarian Litterature (1817-1841)

We are analyzing the presence of the theme of fire in three author’s work, from the beginning of the 19th century (Farkas Bolyai, Sándor Kisfaludy, László Teleki). These authors wanted to present the history of the morality in theatrical pictures. The author or the director dares to give an individual response to problems like the relationship between the men in power and their inferiors, the social differences, the diversity of the country’s vision or the variety of the history’s narration. We cannot reduce our interpretation on the facts of the reception, because there are just a few of these from this period, but we can approach these mysterious theatrical works of the Hungarian literature by analyzing the different versions of the fire’s meanings.


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How to Cite

Egyed, E. (2020) “Du « theatrum physicum » a l’illusion enchanteresse. Trois exemples de la littérature dramatique hongroise (1817–1841)”, Symbolon, 17(2(31), pp. 74–84. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/108 (Accessed: 27 January 2025).


