A kor pulzusán. A Ceaușescu-korszak színházi műsorpolitikája és az erdélyi magyar dráma. Sütő András vidám játékai a marosvásárhelyi színpadon


  • Andrea György University of Arts Târgu Mureș




Taking the Pulse of the Times. Theatre Programme Policy in the Ceaușescu Regime and Contemporary Transylvanian Hungarian Drama. The “Jolly Plays” of András Sütő on Stage in Târgu-Mureș
The cultural policy leadership of the Ceaușescu regime had complete control over all the important matters pertaining to theatre, including programme. It determined in minute detail the category of plays that were permitted on stage. Moreover, it turned contemporary plays into a cornerstone of prosaic theatrical repertoire, in particular the national ones that demonstrated awareness of current issues and social reality. How was this programme policy implemented in the Hungarian department of the theatre in Târgu-Mureș? Was contemporary Hungarian drama included in the repertoire? If yes, did it have any impact on stage practices? These are the questions I intend to answer in a study of productions based on András Sütő`s comedies.


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How to Cite

György, A. . (2021) “A kor pulzusán. A Ceaușescu-korszak színházi műsorpolitikája és az erdélyi magyar dráma. Sütő András vidám játékai a marosvásárhelyi színpadon”, Symbolon, 21(2 (39), pp. 105–112. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/299 (Accessed: 4 October 2024).


