Educaţia dansului şi influenţa materiilor cu care acesta se intersectează în formarea dansatorului coregraf


  • Kinga Kis-Luca University of Arts Târgu Mureș


choreographer, performing arts


The Influence of Dance Programe Curricullum in Dancer-Choreographer’s Education

Theoretically, but practically as well, the choreographer is a dancer and the dancer a choreographer. This paper analyzes the practical disciplines we consider essential to the education of the dancer-choreographer, also mentioning the theoretical and complementary disciplines important for informational luggage necessary for their professional development. Every dance genre has an equally important role in the development of the dancer-choreographer, who will label his or her experience accordingly: Classical dance, Renaissance dances and the baroque dances, Character dances, Ballroom dances (sport dance), Modern dance, Contemporary dance etc. Mastering as many dance styles as possible means on one hand the development of the capacity of coordination and concentration, of musical hearing and sense of rhythm, of musical and choreographic memory, abilities of improvisation, and on the other hand, the knowledge and sense of space, forms, and the social relations of a civilization.


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How to Cite

Kis-Luca, K. (2020) “Educaţia dansului şi influenţa materiilor cu care acesta se intersectează în formarea dansatorului coregraf”, Symbolon, 17(2(31), pp. 129–141. Available at: (Accessed: 27 January 2025).


