Gondolatok a kisiskolás korú gyermek digitális kompetenciájának fejlesztési lehetőségeiről


  • Elza-Emőke Veress


The Development Possibilities of Young Childrenʼs Digital Competence

Academic education must intensively concentrate on young childrenʼs digital competence improvement, the first requirement of this being the proper development of learning competence. Besides this, teachers have to take into account the age characteristics focused on the main functions of pedagogical periods, since in case of primary school students the base abilities formation necessary for learning will be acquired through a development period and the development of the ability of academic thinking and also through the recognition of versatile reality alternatives. The accomplishment of the last two functions in this case conforms to children’s culture that constitutes the IKT technologies mental, emotional, the volitional-motivational effect on the process development. The substance of the question can be also raised inversely, since mental, emotional and volitional-motivational factors define not only the learning abilities, habits, but also the development of digital competence. In the case of young primary school students, by relying on media consumption habits we cannot advance by all means the existence of those digital competencies, since formed through the frames of academic teaching styles, methods, strategies in many cases cannot be compatible with certain segments of media consumption culture, or on the contrary, they constitute the necessary basis of digital competence.


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How to Cite

Veress, E.-E. (2020) “Gondolatok a kisiskolás korú gyermek digitális kompetenciájának fejlesztési lehetőségeiről”, Symbolon, 17(1(30), pp. 56–70. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/123 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


