Implicațiile propagandei în reflectarea și redefinirea realității


  • Adriana Boantă University of Arts Târgu Mureș


fake news, social media


The Implications of Propaganda in Reflecting and Redefining Reality

Today technology touches nearly every aspect of our lives, affecting profoundly our activities and reshaping the information environment. The new digital era provides innumerable opportunities to create connections and share ideas and information and even build a new reality. The high-speed Internet has expanded circle of social connections and increased communication opportunities for the social, economic and cultural sectors as well as enhancing efficient access to information and cultural resources. Unfortunately, though, the same technologies can also serve to pollute our online „ecosystem”. They can be used to manipulate at a scale that was never possible. In this information-oversaturated world, fake news and propaganda have taken many forms and simultaneously contribute to undermine, reshape and redefine reality. Our study aims to reveal the way in which reality is redefined and reshaped in this communication context.


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How to Cite

Boantă, A. (2021) “Implicațiile propagandei în reflectarea și redefinirea realității”, Symbolon, 22(2 (41), pp. 21–31. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


