Formule şi contexte de creaţie în spaţiul artelor performative


  • Adriana Boantă University of Arts Târgu Mureș


conceptual art, interaction


Creation Formulae and Contexts in the Area of Performing Arts

The challenges of the twentieth-century art of placing the concept at the center of artistic discourse, makes today’s art become more diverse and difficult to define through a set of predefined aesthetic criteria. Today's contemporary performances are increasingly hybrid projects that approach and transcend the borders of theatre, visual arts, new media and encourage more personal interaction and emotional response among viewers. At the same time, the mutations in the field of artistic reception, the multitude of means of expression that populate the space of the performing arts, will bring up many changes in the creative field, and will renegotiate notions such as „unique author” and „representation”. This such a field in transition demands an approach that studies theatre intermedial and interdisciplinary phenomena. The present study is aimed to investigate how theatrical and contemporary performance practices respond to the new social-cultural environment. In this context the exploratory mission of our study includes actions to reevaluate and reconsider the elements of the creative process in different phenomena of contemporary art.


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How to Cite

Boantă, A. (2017) “Formule şi contexte de creaţie în spaţiul artelor performative”, Symbolon, 18(2(33), pp. 42–51. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).


