Dimitrie Suceveanu evocat în cercetările muzicologilor români
Dimitrie SuceveanuAbstract
Dimitrie Suceveanu Evoked in the Research of the Romanian Musicologists
This paper proposes a foray into the musicological studies written between 1919-2019 that mention about Dimitrie Suceveanu and his contribution to the romanization process in XIXth century. The paper is structured into two parts: the first part covers the main events in his life, while the second part highlights his work and contribution to Romanian ecclesiastical music. The main results show that he held the position of Protopsaltis of the Metropolitan Cathedral from Jassy for almost 46 years and he was one of the most important contributors to the romanization process. Suceveanu translated the “Idiome-larion” of Chourmouzios Chartophylax and Petros Peloponnesios “Doxastarion” and combined them into one book divided in three tomes, entitled “Idiomelar”. One of the main conclusions is that the musicologists are more focused on the way in which Suceveanu applied the romanization process princi-ples in his main work, rather than being interested of his biography.
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