With the "Magic Flute" in Pandemic


  • Mirela Târc




W. A. Mozart, contemporary staging vision


The paper invite to a reflection on one of the most current themes, namely, opera performance in the pandemic.  One of Tompa Gábor's recent directorial performances of W. A. Mozart 's Magic Flute saw the limelight in October 2020 on the stage of the Hungarian Opera in Cluj-Napoca. Interpreted in a contemporary key, the stage representation proposes a new vision on the future of a young couple in love in a chaotic, deceptive, labyrinthine world, dominated by profit, manipulation and temptations, in which the truth is relative and the value replaced by its simulacrum.  A universe of meanings adapted to the immediate reality in which, more than ever, we intuit, we even feel the strings with which the puppeteers of this world force us to play according to their own interest.


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How to Cite

Târc, M. (2022) “With the ‘Magic Flute’ in Pandemic”, Symbolon, 23(Special), pp. 25–35. doi: 10.46522/S.2022.S1.3.