Création artistique et culture de l’effacement en ligne et à Chypre


  • Christakis Christofi



Gavriel, Cyprus


Artistic Creation and Cancel Culture Online and in Cyprus
The intensification of cancel culture is increasingly related to the expansion of the Internet and the impact of social media networking. It defines public debates or controversies, shared online, hard discourses that cancel a social phenomenon, an individual or his work. However, artistic expression and cancel culture, both closely connected to various cultural activities and online habits and practices, present dynamic interactions on the Internet. Artistic creation and cancel culture appear as standpoints that allow us to examine the limits of the freedom of online expression. Since they are both critical and political acts, they also help to question the subtle link between the individual and public perceptions. We will attempt to approach these questions through specific examples of worldwide and Cypriot events that sometimes show complicity and sometimes rivalry between artistic creation and cancel culture.


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How to Cite

Christofi, C. (2023) “Création artistique et culture de l’effacement en ligne et à Chypre”, Symbolon, 23(1(42), pp. 51–63. doi: 10.46522/S.2022.01.4.