Munca profesorului cu sine însuși în predarea online

Jurnal de pandemie


  • Cătălina-Elena Mihăilă



The Teacher's Work with Himself in Online Teaching
By radiographing the pandemic period and, implicitly, teaching online, we can categorize them as a combination of lessons, challenges and "inner struggles". In other words, we can discuss this as a period of adaptation, change and adaptation to change, exit from the comfort zone and, last but not least, reinvention. The work of the teacher himself does not accidentally refer to a masterpiece in the training and education of any dramatic artist. The teacher can be seen as both a director and an actor. This "work" brings into question the continuous work of the teacher with himself, a work of knowledge, re-education and invention of his own instruments both internal and external. This remote or online teaching required a different kind of communication, a "pseudo-communication". From this point of view, we can note the importance of directing and organizing the teacher's own inner laboratory so that he succeeds in arousing the inner universes of the student. Moreover, we can discuss the reinvention of both the teacher and the educational forms and means.


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How to Cite

Mihăilă, C.-E. . (2023) “Munca profesorului cu sine însuși în predarea online: Jurnal de pandemie”, Symbolon, 24, pp. 49–54. doi: 10.46522/S.2023.S2.7.