Particularități ale stimei de sine la adolescenți


  • Sorina Moldovan University of Bucharest




Particularities of the Self-Esteem in Adolescence

The fundamental dimensions of every human being, whether a child, adult or elderly person, regardless of culture, personality, interests, social status and skills, is related to how we evaluate ourselves, how 'good' we consider ourselves against our own expectations and the expectations of others. Self-esteem is the evaluative and effective size of self-image and represents all beliefs that we have about ourselves.
This paper aims to highlight how this component is structured among adolescents, using a specific tool Scale for Evaluation the Self-esteem for Adolescents.


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How to Cite

Moldovan, S. (2018) “Particularități ale stimei de sine la adolescenți”, Symbolon, 19, pp. 50–59. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).