About the Journal

Symbolon is an academic journal published by the UArtPress Publishing House of the University of Arts Tîrgu Mureș both in print (ISSN 1582-327X) and online (ISSN 2344-4460) since 2000. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, studies and reviews, covering various aspects in the fields of theatre and performing arts, film and media, and music, encouraging research from a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective. It is indexed by ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, DOAJ, Crossref, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, International Archive of Theatre Journals, and ranked B by CNCS. The journal is archived by CEEOL. The authors are allowed to deposit the submitted, accepted and published versions of their paper on any archival site including the journalțs website.

The University of Arts Târgu Mureș attained the “High Confidence” ranking granted by ARACIS (Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) and its curricula are at the top of art universities in Romania.

Open access

Symbolon Journal is available to readers online without financial, legal, or technical restrictions, based on the manuscript content integrity maintenance principle. Except otherwise noted, the content of the journal uses a Creative Commons 4.0 CC BY license for the manuscript usage rights.

Copyright of articles belongs to the authors. We do not charge any fees for publishing an article.


Current Issue

Vol. 25 No. 1 (46) (2024): Performing Arts and Artificial Intelligence

Volume Coordinator: Conf. univ. dr. Traian Penciuc, Universitatea de Arte din Târgu-Mureş.

Guest Editor: CS III Andrei-Călin Zamfirescu, Universitatea de Arte din Târgu-Mureş.

Published: 23-07-2024
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