L’intelligence artificielle au service de la créativité théâtrale


  • Tarik Abou Soughaire




intelligence, AI, creativity, artificial intelligence


Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Theatrical CreativityThe whole world is currently experiencing a truly unprecedented technological revolution. In this context, there are several digital phenomena that we consider today and among which comes to mind what we call artificial intelligence (AI) having, in one way or another, effects, whether positive or negative, on our journeys, whether personal or professional. The idea of this article is to provoke better reflections, but also an informed understanding of this field of computing whose use has become common in the media despite its definition which remains more or less opaque until the present – and to demonstrate to what extent so-called artificial creativity could be at the service of theatrical creativity. The choice of the title is not by chance, but rather intentional insofar as we aim, above all, to trace the first aspirations of this field, which represents one of the new digital technologies, while arriving, subsequently, to articulate its development, its advantages, but also its disadvantages in relation to theater and theatricality. In this sense, it is necessary to specify the attempts and efforts that scientists have made, even the challenges that they have already supported in order to improve the capabilities of this field so that it evolves and becomes today one of the technological, ideal and creative tools playing an important and effective role not only within the performing arts, but also within all other social and human disciplines.


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How to Cite

Abou Soughaire, T. (2024) “L’intelligence artificielle au service de la créativité théâtrale”, Symbolon, 25(1 (46), pp. 7–15. doi: 10.46522/S.2024.01.1.


