Rădăcinile Institutului de Teatru „Szentgyörgyi István”


  • Cătălina Mihăilă



Mots-clés :

roots, specific, first generation, actor, beginnings


The Roots of the “Szentgyörgyi István” Theatre Institute
It is said that every generation plays the theater it needs" (Ecaterina Oproiu). We might think that the same happens when it comes to the acting methods by which dramatic artists study and create their characters. But can the energy and motivation of today's students be likened to the enthusiasm of the first generation of the Romanian section of the Szentgyörgyi István Theatre Institute? Were the first guides teachers or pedagogues? Starting from the theme of this year's conference and being in my first years at the department within the university, I stopped for a moment and reflected on the roots, the beginnings and, especially, on that triggering core. How do we relate today to that original and native motivation, faith, and generating energy? What was the impact of the Institute's Studio Theatre's appearance in the community and what role does it play today for the general public? What can we consider to be specific to the Institute and preserved today as a tradition within the University?


FLOREA, Kelemen Magdalena, Istoria teatrului târgu mureșean. Repere instituționale și spectacologice, material iconografic și comentarii critice (de la primele forme de manifestare teatrală, până la sfârșitul secolului al XX-lea), 2014.

Ghitulescu, Michaela, Intre uitare și memorie, București, Humanitas, 2012.

Istoric, documente de înfiinţare. Online. [Accessed 19 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.uat.ro/despre-universitate/istoric-documente-de-infiintare

PANĂ, Doina, 2014. Din trecutul învățământului teatral din România. Institutul de teatru „Szentgyörgyi István“ din Târgu-Mureș, Sargentia. nr. V, 2014, p. 407-418.

PANĂ, Doina, 2019, Institutul de Teatru „Szentgyörgyi István“. Prima școală maghiară de teatru din România, Revista e-Creator p.276-281.




Comment citer

Mihăilă, C. (2023) « Rădăcinile Institutului de Teatru „Szentgyörgyi István” », Symbolon, 24(1 (44), p. 81–86. doi: 10.46522/S.2023.01.7.

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