Concertul educativ în spațiul cultural mureșean
Mots-clés :
music education;Résumé
Concerts for Youth in Tîrgu-Mureș Culture
The initiation and education of young students into the classical music subject, a very important aspect in current days, is realized by the attendance at the educational concerts organized by the State Philharmonic of Tîrgu-Mureș. The hearings of different musical works and the acquiring of theoretical knowledge about the type and genre of the music, the correlation of the information about the activities of great composers with the socio-cultural context in which these artists created the music, will eventually lead to the achievement of the main objective, which is the acquiring of knowledge and the growing up as a person that understands and knows how to listen to music. Another objective as important is the creation and heightening of the artistic taste of these children and teenagers thorough the understanding of music. It is highly important that these cultural manifestations exist and continue taking place, attracting numerous public.
EBERWEIN, Anke, 1998. Konzertpädagogik: Konzeptionen von Konzerten für Kinder und Jugendliche. Hildesheim: Univ.-Bibl. Hildesheim. ISBN 978-3-9805754-6-1.
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