Nouvelles formes performatives dans les pratiques anciennes : Le symposion grec en tant que « mise en perf » . Synesthésie, espace sympotique et performance


  • Athéna-Hélène Stourna Université du Péloponnèse





New Performative Forms in Ancient Practices: The Greek Symposion as “mise en perf” . Synesthaesia, Sympotic Space and Performance

The Greek symposion was an all-male drinking celebration that included wine consumption, love, games, philosophical conversation, and live performance by both the symposiasts and by professional artists. Using the terms “performise” and “mise en perf,” coined by Patrice Pavis, this article explores how new performative forms can be found in ancient practices and, more specifically, within the cultural performance that was the Greek symposion. These two terms encompass both the performative and the theatrical character of the symposion that can both be traced through the study of its specific ritual and of sympotic space (the dining room dedicated exclusively to the symposion). In this way, a reinterpretation of this ancient social and cultural event will be provided through the lens of Theatre Studies and Performance Theory.


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Stourna, A.-H. (2021) „Nouvelles formes performatives dans les pratiques anciennes : Le symposion grec en tant que « mise en perf » . Synesthésie, espace sympotique et performance”, Symbolon, 22(1 (40), o. 39–46. doi: 10.46522/S.2021.01.04.