Will we meet in the theatre


  • András Hatházi






Do the actor and the spectator meet? The acting student and the teacher by any chance? Of course, they meet, because they are in the same space or if they are limited to online courses due to the pandemic, they are participants in the same event, be it a lecture or a teaching process. But I am not talking about this meeting, I am not intrigued by this superficial contact.
For me, the meeting is a conscious, obviously essential connection of the participants. We do not push the image of ourselves forward, but we relate honestly, simply, openly, and curiously to each other, to our environment, and to the events.
Something that hardly happens in the current theatre. And it is simply impossible in the online space.
So now I refrain from exploring the latter option and only consider the “traditional”, face-to-face, real, physical encounters. More specifically, its shortcomings.


NAGY, Benedek, 2013. Új számítási paradigmák, Digitális Tankönyvtár.




Hogyan kell idézni

Hatházi, A. (2022) „Will we meet in the theatre”, Symbolon, 23(Special), o. 105–112. doi: 10.46522/S.2022.S1.11.

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