Marcel Mihalovici : De la folclorul românesc la rafinamentul stilistic francez în creația solo pentru pian


  • Alexandra Magazin Ghorghe Dima National Music Academy, Cluj-Napoca


Marcel Mihalovici; Monique Haas; Enesco; Romanian folklore; Paris


Marcel Mihalovici: From the Romanian Folklore to the French Stylistic Refinement in the Masterworks for Solo Piano

Marcel Mihalovici personalized himself in the context of the Romanian creation of the twentieth century through the stylistic fusion that he operated between Impressionist language and the Romanian ethos, present his compositions invisible or veiled forms until the end of his creative activity. George Enesco has remained his model throughout his life, many times Mihalovici declare open his adherence to the Enescian sound universe. The piano creation acquires a special significance for Mihalovici, being largely the consequence of an important biographical aspect: the composer's marriage to the famous pianist Monique Haas. The piano works reflect the author's multiple stylistic orientations because he adopts and integrates into his language traits of different currents and idioms: neoclassicism, impressionism, atonalism, intonations of Romanian folklore, this alloy complex being processed through the author's personal filter.


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LYON, Raymond, 1974. Marcel Mihalovici: Le Courrier Musical de France. trimestrul 2, no. 46, pp. 44-48.

MIHALOVICI, Marcel, 1990. Amintiri despre Enescu, Brâncuși și alți prieteni. București: Editura Eminescu.

MIHALOVICI, Marcel, 1950. Ricercari – Variations Libres pour piano. Paris: Heugel.

PETECEL, Despina, 1990. Interviu. În: Amintiri despre Enescu, Brâncuși și alți prieteni. București: Editura Eminescu, p. 2-8.

TODUȚĂ, Sigismund, 1956. Passacaglia. București: Editura Muzicală.

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Hogyan kell idézni

Magazin, A. . (2019) „Marcel Mihalovici : De la folclorul românesc la rafinamentul stilistic francez în creația solo pentru pian”, Symbolon, 19, o. 19–28. Elérhető: (Elérés: 3 július 2024).

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