Lucky – personaj la limita dintre cuvânt și mișcare
Cuvinte cheie:
Lucky – a Character at the Limit Between Speech and Movement
Lucky, as a character removed from the context of the play by taking into consideration just the texts of the stage directions and his monologue, gets a new artistic dimension. The character is defined through three dimensions: silence, movement and word, the balance among the three ones offering a dynamic and creative perspective. Lucky is the opposite of Pozzo in all its aspects. Lucky is the type of character who always has a discourse beyond his words. Lucky’s second ego is more present than his real presence. His silence speaks for him. With all his absence he is present; he takes part and breathes the same breath of the other characters.
BECKETT, Samuel, 1970. Așteptându-l pe Godot. București: Editura Univers și Teatrul Național I.L.Caragiale.
ESSLIN, Martin, 2009. Teatrul absurdului, București, Editura UNITEXT.
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