Re-Locating the Spectator – The Squat Theater’s Use of Media and Space


  • Zoltán Imre Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences, Budapest

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Based on the concepts of intermediality (Balme, Boenisch and Kattenbelt) and heterotopy (Foucault), my paper investigates the special features of the New York-based Squat Theater: their use of media and space. Focusing mostly on their second major, New York-performance, “Andy Warhol’s Last Love” (1978), I would like to analyze how they created a liminal zone (Turner) in-between times and spaces, which re-located the spectators’ position and re-interpreted their function.


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Cum cităm

Imre, Z. (2020) „Re-Locating the Spectator – The Squat Theater’s Use of Media and Space”, Symbolon, 17(2(31), pp. 50–60. Disponibil la: (Data accesării: 3 iulie 2024).


