A popcorntól a Netflixig – filmnézési szokások a digitális világban
From Popcorn to Netflix – Film Watching Habits in the Digital World
What kind of social goal did movies serve before the digital era, and what role do films have today in shaping human relations? How do films offer change and how do we choose among them? The tremendous data that became accessible to us through the digital world leads to huge dilemmas. One meets an abundance of possibilities and offers concerning every domain of our lives, and due to this, one finds it difficult to decide. Artistic product offers are no exception.
BLUMLER, Jay G. és KATZ, Elihu, 1975, The Uses of Mass Communications by the Individual, SAGE Publications, Inc.
MYAT Kornél, 2010, Médiaelméletek és a késő-modern médiakörnyezet. Médiakutató, 2010. nyár.
PARISER, Eli, 2011, The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You. New York, Penguin Press.
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