"Porn" – A Theatrical Process of Testimony
Cuvinte cheie:
When the testimony of horrific and tragic events that occurred in one’s life becomes poetry, a theatre performance born from this premise is in many ways sensitive and multi-layered. The responsibility of presenting a willingly exposed personal account becomes a burden and a privilege at the same time. “Porn. The Story of my Wife” by András Visky tells about a true story that occurred in the author's family.
ADLER, TONY, 2012. “What`s pornographic about Porn”, Chicago Reader, November 14th, 2012. Online version of the printed version available at: https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/porn-at-the-theatre-y-performance-space/Content?oid=7933054, [accessed 09 February, 2016].
ZARRIS, VENUS, 2012. “Porn (1989. A butterfly.)”, [review], Chicago Stage Review, 16th of November, 2012, available at: http://www.chicagostagereview.com/
porn-1989-a-butterfly-%E2%80%93-review/, [accessed 09 February, 2016].
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