Mi lett velünk, Anton Pavlovics?
Cuvinte cheie:
social media, alienation, dramaturgy, Chekhov, freedomRezumat
What happened to us, Anton Pavlovich?
The rapid spread of new media, especially the social media platforms, has changed everything around and within us: our habits, our gestures, the ways of traveling, our stories and sometimes even our memories. Directly or indirectly, everyone has become media consumer, whether there is or isn’t purpose or benefit to it. To understand these phenomena, continuous interpretation, reevaluation, and various reflections are needed. As with any phenomenon that begins to dominate the smallest vibrations of life, in the case of social media too, we can observe repulsive and frightening effects. Art has always shown changes, and Chekhov was an artist who shed light on his once distorted society. Currently, everything has become media in one form or another; the situation is not tragic, it simply is. The thesis tries to explore – partly with the applied methods of dramaturgical analysis – what is happening or has already happened to us in the world of lost identities, of ever-fluctuating alienation. Why virtual reality, which seems tangible, has become a refuge for many between the hiding places of life? “Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is the author of ambiguity, the x-ray picture he shows of the heroes of present, who are on the run or depressed, and perhaps of our future, is inexhaustible. With his quick gaze, he sees so deeply into the souls of his heroes – i.e. into the depths of our troubles and joys – that even after a hundred years, he surprises us with a modern, even mysterious dramatic world”, Miklós Almási writes.
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