Digitalizáció a munkajogban, munkavállalók a közösségi oldalakon – adatvédelem, szabályozás és dilemmák
Digitalization in Labour Law, Employees and the Social Media – Data Protection, Regulation and Dilemmas
"It is considered a well-known statement, that the members of the so-called Z generation use media platforms with different and new expectations, and for different purposes, even in their workplace. In the same time digitalization brings new issues not only for employees but for the employers, too. The veracity of the subject is indisputable, and at the same time, we must understand that media and social media pervade all the aspects of our life, even the appearance in the labour market. Media and data protection regulation beyond universal rulings does not attend to this area individually, and the regulations of the labour law are not able to respond properly to this new situation, where both the protection of the employee's personal data and the protection of the employer's economic and institutional interests must appear.
In what ways does labour law deals with the use of social media, what loyalty towards the employer means in this context, what kind of abuses may occur on the field of data protection, these are the main fields of interest of our study, based on the Romanian labour regulations.
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