Caracterul național în dansul cult, din secolul al XX-lea până în prezent


  • Denisa Badea University of Arts Târgu Mureș


dance company


National Character in the Romanian Classical Dance From the 20th Century to the Present

The article aims to analyze the balance between the ethnical heritage and the adherence to the universal culture of the classical Romanian dance from the 20th century to the present. The research evokes artistic personalities such as Floria Capsali, Miriam Răducanu, Vera Proca Ciortea, Oleg Danovksi, Gigi Căciuleanu and others who had the opportunity to create a choreographic language based on assets of the folkloric culture.
The artistic journey that laid the foundations of the local choreographic culture presents contents – librettos inspired by Romanian fairy tales or stories, the use of musical compositions with folkloric insertions, the use of an aesthetic mixture between classical forms of movement and popular forms, but also a strong opening to the Western art. In the field of classical dance, the effervescence of the quests to define a distinct 'national' voice tends to fade at the beginning of the 21st century, in the absence of updating the repertoires of national operas, at the same time with precarious connections to contemporary sensitivity and culture.


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How to Cite

Badea, D. (2018) “Caracterul național în dansul cult, din secolul al XX-lea până în prezent”, Symbolon, 19(2 (35), pp. 79–85. Available at: (Accessed: 22 December 2024).


