A háttér-televíziózás hatása kisiskolás gyermekek feladat-megoldási teljesítményére


  • Ágnes Sántha
  • Melánia-Madonna Nagy


background television


The Impact of Background Television on Children’s Learning Performance

Our research deals with the impact of background television upon the learning performance of children aged 6 to 10. Learning performance was measured with an experiment where the treatment group solved school problems with the television on in the background, whereas the control group worked in a quiet place suitable for learning. According to our results, multitasking negatively influences intellectual performance, and this effect intensifies with age and with the complexity of problems to be solved.


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How to Cite

Sántha, Ágnes and Nagy, M.-M. (2020) “A háttér-televíziózás hatása kisiskolás gyermekek feladat-megoldási teljesítményére”, Symbolon, 17(1(30), pp. 81–87. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/125 (Accessed: 26 December 2024).


