Leendő ének-zene tanárok jövőképe


  • Anikó Fekete ELTE Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola
  • Anikó Fehérvári ELTE Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola
  • Gábor Bodnár ELTE Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola


music teachers


Visions for Future Music Teachers

If we examine the significant epochs of music pedagogy, we can see that conscious application of music education including improvisation has been assigned an increasing role mostly since the twentieth century. Today, we also know that clarifying students' motivation is essential whatever subject we focus on, and as a result, problems also arise, but at the same time motivation is a basic condition for learning.
In September 2019, the data collection phase of my research, Teaching Creative Music, began. The aim of the research was to explore the extent to which creative music exercises contribute to increasing students' learning motivation and the subjective effectiveness of music teachers in secondary schools, as well as mapping the extent to which creative music exercises are present in the training of music teachers.
The fieldwork was really meaningful and full of surprises. In this presentation, I analyze the students' questionnaire and their focus group responses, as well as the interviews conducted with them, specifically focusing on their future work, examining their vision, taking into account interviews with their teachers.


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How to Cite

Fekete, A., Fehérvári, A. and Bodnár, G. (2021) “Leendő ének-zene tanárok jövőképe”, Symbolon, 21, pp. 42–67. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/214 (Accessed: 22 January 2025).