Művészetoktatás online térben pandémia idején – tapasztalatok, kihívások és megoldások


  • Krisztina Iringó Vargancsik-Thörik




online art education, reflective teacher


Online Art Education During Pandemic – Experiences, Challenges and Solutions
The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), which lasted for almost two years (2020-2022), paralyzed education systems around the world and Romania was no different. The quick transition to online education has faced many obstacles, including lack of equipment, lack of network coverage and limited digital skills among teachers and students. The chaos in the education system also affected teachers of the arts in Romania. I summarize the experiences, challenges and solutions of this period in this paper. I used a 31-question structured interview to assess the experiences of online arts education and interviewed nine teachers coming from diverse areas of teaching, such as music, visual arts and drama in a metropolitan Transylvanian context of Romania.


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How to Cite

Vargancsik-Thörik, K. I. (2023) “Művészetoktatás online térben pandémia idején – tapasztalatok, kihívások és megoldások”, Symbolon, 24, pp. 55–65. doi: 10.46522/S.2023.S2.8.