A tények megjelenítése a fotográfia médiuma segítségével – megrendezett és manipulált képek


  • Tibor Jakab University of Arts Târgu Mureș


staged and manipulated photographs


Presenting Facts Through Photography – Staged and Manipulated Photographs
In the history of photography, we come across many staged and manipulated photographs. Most of these are press photos that would be intended to show as accurately as possible the recording of an event, for those who could not be there and only learn about everything that happened based on the image. The most important requirement of press ethics forums for press photos is to be as objective as possible in presenting the event. The photographer may not use any intentional image modification or manipulation to take the image. After it became clear that many of the images, we were dealing with are staged or manipulated photos, despite a lot of controversies, the reputation of the images was slightly tarnished, making the image incidental to questions about the documentary value. The photograph has become a symbol, the symbols have their own truth, believes Hans-Michael Koetzle. These cases prove that even in the case of many iconic works or photographs, the image becomes so symbolic that it adds to the background, background history and behind-the-scenes of the making of the images. They are unable to deduct anything in retrospect from the value of the work.
I consider it important to examine the changes brought about by the digital revolution, both in the field of photography and in the way a press photographer works. The fundamental difference between analogue and digital images stems from the fact that although it is possible to manipulate analogue photos, we rarely encounter this, while in the case of digital images, image manipulation is the default.


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How to Cite

Jakab, T. (2021) “A tények megjelenítése a fotográfia médiuma segítségével – megrendezett és manipulált képek ”, Symbolon, 22(2 (41), pp. 79–87. Available at: http://uartpress.ro/journals/index.php/symbolon/article/view/270 (Accessed: 15 January 2025).


