Adevăr, libertate și speranță


  • Marcela-Livia Dan



symbols, metaphor, theater, playwright, hope


Truth, Freedom and Hope
Romulus Guga's plays are open to politics and the leitmotif of his plays is freedom, good versus evil and the affirmation of dignity. He believed that the playwright is born through the performance and dramaturgy is a collective work.
„Hope Does not Die at Dawn” is the first play by a local Romanian author presented on the Târgu Mureș stage. Its opening at the National Theater in Târgu Mureș took place on March the 31st, 1973, on the occasion of World Theater Day.
At the Piatra Neamț Youth Theater Show Festival, the most prestigious theatrical event of the era, "Hope Does not Die at Dawn” was crowned with the “Grand Prize for the show”, the “Male Performance Award” (Florin Zamfirescu), "Female Performance Award” (Lucia Boga), and "Honorary Diploma for Directing” (Dan Micu).
This paper aims to analyse the tense relationship between censorship during communism, the plays, how they were staged, and the hidden language understood only by the artists and the audience. Romulus Guga’s play is set as an example of the way quality performances were met with critical acclaim in the era, despite political censorship.


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How to Cite

Dan, M.-L. (2023) “Adevăr, libertate și speranță ”, Symbolon, 24(1 (44), pp. 73–80. doi: 10.46522/S.2023.01.6.


