À propos de cette revue

Symbolon is an academic journal published by the UArtPress Publishing House of the University of Arts Târgu Mureș both in print (ISSN 1582-327X) and online (ISSN 2344-4460) since 2000. The journal publishes the same number of articles in print and electronic format, with no differences in content between the two formats. We do not practice the form of online first publishing. Each issue was published separately.

All the articles are peer-reviewed. For more information see the Guide for authors section.

The first three issues were published annually, and since 2003 the magazine has been published biannually. Since 2014, the first issue of the volume contains studies in the media field, and the second, in the area of performing arts. Since 2017 we have been publishing special issues on art education and music.

Open access
Symbolon Journal is available to readers online without financial, legal or technical restrictions, based on the manuscript content integrity maintenance principle. Except otherwise noted, the content of the journal uses a Creative Commons 4.0 CC BY license for the manuscript usage rights which permits any use, reproduction, distribution, print, and citation of the work as long as the authors are credited. The complete bibliographical data of Symbolon Journal must also be indicated. If possible, please also place a link leading to the original publication.

Copyright of articles belongs to the authors.

Following the principle of multiculturalism, this magazine hosts articles in Romanian, English, Hungarian and French languages.

Scope  and thematic profile
Symbolon magazine publishes articles, studies, and reviews, dealing with various aspects of theatre and performing arts, film and media, and music, encouraging research from a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective.

The journal's mission magazine and its thematic profile were formulated by its founders in 2000: "The Symbolon journal has emerged from the desire to revigorate theatre studies. It is a multidisciplinary scientific review that encourages the research of theatrical phenomena from the methodological perspective of theatre sciences. Its host studies are related to the history, theory, sociology and semiotics of theatre, as well as to the pedagogy of acting, theatre anthropology, aesthetics, psychology and other scientific fields. "

Our journal’s main objectives are:

  • To focus on major subjects in the field of arts, both from a theoretical and practical point of view;
  • to encourage the publication of the most recent results of the art research by Romanian and foreign scholars;
  • to promote interdisciplinary dialogue between arts and other sciences;
  • to stimulate scientific debates;
  • to provide an appropriate environment for the affirmation of young researchers, such as MA students and PhD candidates.