A metamorfózis tükrözéseiben
dramaturgy; theater history; technological achievements; stage presenceAbsztrakt
In the Reflections of Metamorphosis
If we review the history of the theatre, we can see the pulses of changes in conventions, the form of presentation, dramatic texts, as well as the process of applying various technological achievements. It is now obvious that artificial intelligence will also be associated with more and more stage attempts – and why not – artistic realizations; this is already happening in cinema, where, for example, it can be considered almost obsolete to thematize the so-called virtual human-machine relationship. Theatre history approaches with a technological focus are appearing, which examine more and more thoroughly how machines, tools, and programs that are considered new today and obsolete the next minute influence the creative process, the audience’s attention, and the effect. Just think about the dramaturgical changes in perception and attention management as a result of radio and silent films, or the use of smartphones. All this now seems natural; however, there is a big BUT that triggers a whole series of questions again and again – as if it were Sisyphus’ boulder: we constantly want to model, clarify, and illuminate something for the sake of understanding and enlightenment; we want to know. Here is the always-emerging ”but”: can there be enough power, faith, and brilliance in any ingenious innovation to unfold before us the all-giving secret that breaks styles and shatters all known geometries? ”Only the mystery keeps us alive, only the mystery,” writes Federico Garcia Lorca.
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