Atunci şi acum. Alte aparenţe, aceleaşi esenţe
Cuvinte cheie:
actuality of dramaturgyRezumat
Then and now. Other appearances- Same essences
Same venue, same hour. But is it the same spectator? Same actor? The forms may have changed, but society isn’t looking anymore for a clear definition and image for the same myriad of concepts, and doesn’t suffer from the same lack of understanding its path? Starting from this premise of a society dressed in contemporary clothing but divided by the same questions and sick of the same customs, we will make an analysis of the playwriting that has been left as a legacy by the one who affirmed that he “saw ideas”, Camil Petrescu, and by the one who created a world sickened but still fascinating, Ion Luca Caragiale, trying to follow how modern are his masterpieces through which, mainly, brings to life a painting in which we are treated with contemporary nuances. On the other hand, we will follow in comparison how Caragiale’s play was directed in 1948 and 2016, finding of the individual in the universe created by Caragiale. Furthermore, we will try to form an image of the actor from the XX century and the actor from our time, following how and what remained alive and valuable today. I wonder, aren’t we discussing actually a different century but still, we manage to find the same problematic nature that manifested on so many different plains of the individual and society as a whole?
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