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Facebook bubbles, war, numbnessRezumat
Getting Used to War
Facebook has become part of everyday life. Apart from the algorithm-generated business and political ads, Facebook’s bubbles are unique, yet inevitably attract real or fake news about the Russian-Ukrainian war. The intense interest in the war, or “special military operation”, is natural, as it is too close, and fortunately, we hnumbnessave not had such an experience in Europe for over twenty years. The interest is further intensified by the fact that political actors make contradictory statements about this event, as do marketable experts in traditional media. Due to the nature of Facebook, users consciously or unconsciously build a kind of burrow around themselves. The burrow (F. Kafka: Der Bau) is famously built by pounding its walls hard with our foreheads. The burrow is both a hiding place that provides security, and, at the same time, its seclusion creates uncertainty. We may wonder what is actually there, and what can come of it? If we consider any question we ask and any answer we get, the answers will be just as controversial as our questions. But there is one common result: we are beginning to get used to the war, and one frightening fact is that the politicians who decide our fate are too.
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