Caracteristicile partiturii muzicale a cappella în spectacolul „Biedermann și incendiatorii” de Max Frisch, regia Tompa Gábor, muzica Vasile Șirli
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The characteristics of the a cappella musical score in the show “Biedermann and the Arsonists” by Max Frisch, director Tompa Gábor, music Vasile Șirli
The theatre performance is like a living organism, in whose composition the music brings added value, a sublime emotional hue, empowering itself like a complex vehicle that facilitates the conveying of the play’s message through the sound–word association. As the Greek tragedy, the choir in “Biedermann and the Arsonists” is a collective character and explains the public the way the action unfolds. All the firefighter’s replies are sung a cappella, in eight interventions on the original music composed by Vasile Șirli. The audio material is subordinated entirely to the word. For this reason, the expressive points of each song identify themselves in relation to the dynamic of the text. A provocative endeavour, the assimilation of the musical material has a winding road and it implies a continuous re-invention and adjustment, according to all of the dramatic elements.
BARBA, Eugenio, 2013. Teatru. Singurătate, meșteșug, revoltă. Traducere din limba italiană de Doina Condrea Derer, ediția a II-a, îngrijită de Alina Mazilu. București: Nemira.
WIKIPEDIA, s.a. [online]. Max Frisch. [Accesat 2 august 2018] Disponibil la:
TEATRUL GERMAN DE STAT TIMIȘOARA, s.a. [online]. Biedermann și incendiatorii. [Accesat 4 august 2018] Disponibil la:și-incendiatorii/
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