Guidelines for authors



Guidelines for the Authors In Extenso:  ro|en
Autorship Declaration and Copyright Agreement: ro|en
Track Changes and Comments

This page contains brief information for the authors. A detailed description of the peer-review process can be found on the Peer Review page, and the Guidelines for the Authors In Extenso can be downloaded via the link above.


Scope  and thematic profile

Theatrical Research Journal publishes papers, studies, and reviews dealing with various aspects of theatre and performing arts, film and media, and music, encouraging research from a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective.
The editorial staff accepts papers in Romanian, Hungarian, English and French.
The journal has no paper submission or paper submission charges.
The author keeps the copyright on the papers under the conditions of open access under the Creative Commons 4.0 CC BY license.


Acceptance conditions

All acceptance conditions are mandatory. Please check their compliance before finishing your work and send us the filled and signed Autorship Declaration and Copyright Agreement (downloadable via the link above) along with your paper.

Originality and authorship. Papers cannot have more than four authors, must be original and have not been previously published or are being reviewed/published elsewhere.
Interviewees will be asked for permission to publish their interview and their answer will be presented in the same way as a citation, mentioning their name and the interview date in a footnote.

Standards of academic ethics. Our journal does not admit any form of plagiarism, regardless of its forms: accidental, direct, self-plagiarism, mosaic, etc. The author is responsible for avoiding formulations that can be interpreted as plagiarism. We also do not accept the falsification and fabrication of facts or sources or photo manipulation. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the paper and to refuse to publish future papers by authors in this situation.

Images inserted in the paper. We accept only images that belong to the public domain, marked with Open Access, or for which you have the written consent of the owner. If you insert your own photos, you must ensure that you respect the right to private image of the people who appear in them. In all these respects, the legal responsibility belongs exclusively to the author. Please insert only image referred by your text.

Format and style. Manuscripts will be sent in .doc or .docx formats of Microsoft Word. References and will be written in the ISO 690 system. A detailed description of the aspects related to style and writing can be found in the Guidelines for the Authors In Extenso.


Ethics statement

The ethical norms aim to ensure the best practices in academic research, and the free dissemination of scientific knowledge. They are addressed to all parties involved in the editorial process: authors, editors, reviewers and editors.

Authors' responsibility. Authors will declare unique or co-author authorship, that their manuscript is original except for citations, and the result of their research and writing, that it has not been published elsewhere, nor is it being submitted for evaluation or publication to another publication. The authors warrant that the manuscript does not contain libellous or unlawful claims, and the text, illustrations and any other materials included in the manuscript do not infringe any copyright or other rights of any person and are accurately cited. They will mention the sources of funding. The authors agree to revise the manuscript according to the requirements of the reviewers. If the author does not wish to comply with one or more of the reviewers' recommendations, the editor-in-chief decides whether or not to publish the manuscript. Plagiarism, in any form, is unacceptable and constitutes unethical behaviour.

Responsibility of the editorial board. The editorial team has to maintain confidentiality regarding the manuscript and its authors. The editors may not use unpublished information in their own research without the express written consent of the author. The editors will make corrections to the form or content only with the consent of the author. The final decision to accept or reject a paper for publication rests with the editor-in-chief. In case of detection of any forms of plagiarism, fabrication of data, etc., as well as major errors in writing or content, the editor-in-chief may decide ab initio to reject the publication of the manuscript.

Responsibility of evaluators. The reviewers are selected so that their specialization and experience correspond to the theme proposed by the author and avoid any conflict of interest. If necessary, the reviewer may ask for additional opinions from guest reviewers, external to the journal's scientific board, provided that they meet the same conditions regarding specialization and experience. The review system is "double-blind" and reviewers must maintain confidentiality regarding the content of the manuscript. The evaluation should be objective, with arguments to help the author to improve his manuscript. They will report any deviation from ethical norms (plagiarism, data fabrication, etc.).

References. Theatrical Research's statement of ethics follows the recommendations of the COPE code of conduct for publishers.


Peer review  and production

Peer review is done in the double-blind system. A detailed description of the evaluation process can be found on the Peer Review page.

The editors do not have to operate the changes required by reviewers, grammar corrections or word processing, etc. The obligation and responsibility for making grammatically correct papers in terms of content, form and word processing rest exclusively with the author. Theatrical Research Journal will ensure the layout production according to its graphic rules.

Publishers and reviewers do not make changes to the author's text without having their consent. Please respond to the authors to confirm these changes, even if you agree with them.

Corrections and changes are highlighted by the MS Word Track Changes and Comments tools. Use the Accept or Reject buttons to resolve them. Use the same tools when writing your changes in order to be visible to publishers. The link for an explanation of the use of these tools can be found at the top of this page.