Fiatal felnőtt identitás-alakulás a pandémia idején – a művészet, lehetséges mentőöv


  • Kinga Bakk-Miklósi University of Arts, Tîrgu-Mureş


identity exploration


Young Adult Identity Development During the Pandemic – Art as a Possible Lifebelt

The starting point of this lecture is the case study of two young adult girls, who were „pushed back” into their parents’ house during the pandemic. The search for free paths, their aspirations for an independent living and the development of their new identity were hampered by the outbreak of the pandemic, which I think are not two isolated cases. In both cases, the arts represented (they are not artists) a connection with the present. Living with arts is an alternative for them, a path to create a friendlier world. The lecture presents this path-seeking as a possible alternative.


ERIKSON, E., 1956, The problem of ego identity (pdf). Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 4: 56–121. Hozzáférés ideje: 2012-01-30.

VIKÁR Gy., 1980, Az ifjúkor válságai. Gondolat Könyvkiadó, Budapest.




How to Cite

Bakk-Miklósi, K. (2021) “Fiatal felnőtt identitás-alakulás a pandémia idején – a művészet, lehetséges mentőöv”, Symbolon, 21, pp. 7–13. Available at: (Accessed: 22 January 2025).