Erdélyi magyar fiatalok médiafogyasztói szokásai – médiapszicholó-giai vizsgálat


  • Kinga Bakk-Miklósi University of Arts Târgu Mureș


media consumption


Youth Media Consumption Habits of Hungarians in Transylvania – Research in Media Psychology

The aim of the research was to monitor as closely as possible the active media consumption behaviours of pupils living in Mureș, Cluj, Brașov, and Harghita counties. The age range of the pupils was between the ages of 11 and 18 years old.
In the school year of 2017-2018, 206 individuals participated in the study by filling out an online electronic questionnaire.
Prior to this study, there was an assessment in 2012, on similar topics, and the survey conducted then and now can be compared in order to see the changes and shifts that occurred in five years, considering that the current study was conducted on a larger sample, on a larger population.
This assessment was conducted from the perspective of practical media education, focusing on topics such as the possibilities inherent in using Facebook; the purpose and the language of chat and messenger; befriending on social media: the question of friendship on the web ‒ is it actual or virtual friendship?; reliability of the information, searching for information on the web; time-saving or time-wasting on the web; etc.
The questionnaire was adapted to the age, individual characteristics of the pupils, their media consumption habits, perceived preferences, interest, perceived and revealed risk factors.
The data obtained is very valuable from my perspective as a media psychology teacher. It is very important to emphasize on the fact that our society, on the micro-level and on the wider scale, is facing multitudes of challenges regarding media consumption. These challenges require a more precise, refined and advanced theoretical and practical approach (raising awareness, prevention strategies) in media education.


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How to Cite

Bakk-Miklósi, K. (2018) “Erdélyi magyar fiatalok médiafogyasztói szokásai – médiapszicholó-giai vizsgálat”, Symbolon, 19(1(34), pp. 54–74. Available at: (Accessed: 11 February 2025).


